Water is running in Ouled Ahmed, Tunisia

This boy enjoys fresh drinking water provided directly at his home and delivered by the newly rehabilitated water supply system in his village of rural Tunisia, Kasserine Governorate. This work is done by the Government of Tunisia with the support of Swiss Development Cooperation. Here is the newly erected and built elevated water tank, which […]
Socio-anthropological study in Mauritania

Dropstone has been awarded a mandate by the French Agency for Development (Agence Française de Développement – AFD) to carry out a socio-anthropological study in remote villages located in three regions bordering Mali and Senegal. The aim is to better understand the intercommunal dynamics and challenges and the local conflict resolution mechanisms, in order to […]
Developing the institutional strategy of the CSP

Dropstone has animated during two days in Leysin an intensive workshop for 60 staff and committee members. The CSP is an important Swiss organization working for the disatvantaged people of the Canton of Vaud. Dropstone provided the methodology to formulate the Vision, Missions, and Values. Critical points were discussed during SWOT sessions. As a team, […]
Conflict prevention and management by communities in the Sahel

Dropstone ended the year 2018 with the evaluation of a conflict prevention and management project by communities in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. The project, implemented by the HD Centre since 2015, has selected, trained and created a network of 286 sedentary and nomadic community leaders. The traditional leaders have solved an impressive number of […]
Water supply systems rehabilitation in Ecuador

Dropstone has provided technical and managerial support to the Ecuadorian Red Cross, which is implementing a water supply project financed by the Swiss Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Our Senior Hydrogeologist travelled several times to the Western Coast of the country, in the area severely affected by […]
Drilling in Geneva and monitoring of underground water

The Geological Service of the State of Geneva requested DROPSTONE to drill a borehole in Carouge (Geneva) in order to replace a former one that was damaged with the years. The purpose of the work is to allow a continuous monitoring of the underground water quality. The former borehole, used since 1976, was a historical […]